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HomeSexualityIs Nesey Gallons Trans? Dating Style Leads To Gossip

Is Nesey Gallons Trans? Dating Style Leads To Gossip

Nesey Gallons is an American musician who makes music alone. She is part of a group called the Elephant 6 Collective. Before, she was in two bands: Circulatory System and The Music Tapes.

Gallons also help make music for other people. She has worked on albums by The Music Tapes, Julian Koster, and Circulatory System.

Besides music, Gallons was in a movie called “Present” in 2013. It was her first time acting.

In 2009, Gallons made her first solo album, “Eyes & Eyes & Eyes Ago.” This album had a quiet but essential effect on indie music.

Recently, Gallons said something serious about Julian Koster, who plays bass in a band called Neutral Milk Hotel. She said he did terrible things to her when she was young.

This article discusses what people think about Gallons’ personal life and other exciting things about her. Let’s learn more about “Is Nesey Gallon’s Trans”.

Is Nesey Gallons Trans?

Based on what we know, it looks like Nesey Gallons is a trans woman (it is vital to note that Nesey Gallons has not said anything about his sexual orientation). This means she was born as a boy but now lives as a woman.

A post on a website called Reddit says that when Gallons was younger, she thought she was a gay boy. But now, Gallons uses “she” or “they” when talking about herself. She also says she’s a trans mom.

The post says this is very important to know. It helps us understand why Gallons might not have felt okay telling her story before.

So, from what we can see, Nesey Gallons is a transgender woman. This means she was born one way but now lives as her true self in another way.

Also Read: Is Ewan Mitchell Gay? His Movie Role Leads To Rumors

How The Rumors Around Nesey Gallons Begin?

Neutral Milk Hotel’s Julian Koster Accused Of Grooming And Sexual Assault By Elephant 6 Musician Nesey Gallons
byu/apondalifa inindieheads

People started talking about Anna “Nesey” Gallons when she said Julian Koster did bad things to her. Julian Koster plays in Neutral Milk Hotel and leads another band called Music Tapes.

Gallons told her story on Instagram on July 9. She said Koster did grown-up things with her as a teenager. She also said he made her trust him in a bad way.

Gallons said Koster hurt her two times in 2005. She didn’t tell anyone at first because they were close friends.

Koster said he and Gallons were in a relationship. But he said he didn’t hurt her. He thinks Gallons is saying these things to make people not like him.

This is a hard and sad situation. We need to be kind and understand both sides of the story.

Nesey Gallons Dating Timeline

Additional Comments on the Situation from Nesey and Paul Gallons
byu/KarterZinger inneutralmilkhotel

Early 2000s (When Gallons was about 15): Gallons started talking to Koster on the phone and in emails. Their talks became very close over time. Gallons says Koster told her their connection was special, and unlike any other he had.

April 2001 (When Gallons was about 16): Koster asked Gallons to visit him in New York. They started doing grown-up things together about six weeks before Gallons turned 17. Gallons says Koster made her trust him badly.

2001 to 2008: Koster and Gallons kept doing grown-up things together for many years. They sometimes stopped and then started again. In 2008, Koster says he realised Gallons was being mean to him.

2016: Gallons was very sad for a long time. She even tried to hurt herself. But in 2016, she told everyone she was transgender. This means she was born as a boy but felt like a girl.

Koster and Gallons started doing grown-up things when she was 16. This was just before she turned 17 when the law says it’s okay in Georgia. Koster says he knows it was wrong because he was much older. But he says he didn’t do the other bad things Gallons discusses. They kept seeing each other for many more years until 2008.


What did Nesey Gallons say Julian Koster did?

Nesey Gallons said Julian Koster, who plays in the band Neutral Milk Hotel, made her trust him in a bad way when she was a teenager. She also said he touched her in ways she didn’t want. Nesey says they started doing grown-up things when she was 16.

How did Julian Koster answer?

Julian Koster said he and Nesey did have a relationship. He says they both wanted to be together. But he says he never hurt Nesey. He thinks Nesey is saying these things to make people not like him.

How much older was Julian than Nesey?

When they started being together, Julian was 28 years old. Nesey was 16, almost 17. In Georgia, where they lived, the law says it’s okay at 17. But Julian says he knows it was wrong because he was so much older. He said sorry for this.

Chris Williams
Chris Williams
I'm Chris Williams, a writer at, sharing simple celebrity news. With experience in journalism, I bring accurate and engaging stories about stars. My articles entertain and inform readers about the exciting world of pop culture.

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